1 Components of the Service Level Agreement
1.1 In the signed offer one subscription plan is selected per service instance: Team, Business or Enterprise.
1.2 The Service Level Agreement (SLA) per service instance comprises three components of quality aspects: SLA Goals, Backup Plan and Business Continuity Plan.
1.3 Firstly, the SLA Goals component regulates the availability and responsiveness of IT services and support. The selected subscription plan typically determines the SLA goals applied to the subscription. The available predefined SLA Goals are described in section 4. Customer-specific SLA arrangements can be agreed on in the offer. If nothing specifically is agreed, SLA Team will be assumed.
1.4 Secondly, the SLA component Backup Plan regulates the creation of backups of the system and data and their retention. The available predefined backup plans are described in section 6. Customer-specific plans can be agreed on in the offer. If nothing specifically is agreed, Backup Plan Week will apply.
1.5 Thirdly, the SLA component Business Continuity Plan defines the targets regarding the handling of extensive system failures. The available predefined business continuity plans are described in section 7. If nothing specifically is agreed, Business Continuity Plan Standard will apply.
2 Definitions
2.1 The operating time is the period of time during which the productive systems are available to the customer.
2.2 The standby time is the period of time during which provider staff can ensure support of the service and receive and process messages. The time measurement for the response and resolution time is interrupted for the time outside the standby time.

2.3 The time to first response is understood to be the period of time within the standby time from the time the message is received in the linkyard customer portal(https://servicedesk.linkyard.ch/) until it is put to work by an employee of the Provider.

2.4 The resolution time is understood to be the period of time within the standby time from the beginning of the processing of a message by an employee of the Provider until its resolution (fault elimination or answering the request) minus the waiting time for solution contributions by the Customer or third parties commissioned by the Customer.

2.5 Downtime defines a period during operating time within which the service was entirely unavailable to the users.
2.6 The system availability is evaluated on an annual basis and is calculated from the operating time minus the system downtime in relation to the operating time, whereby announced interruptions during the agreed maintenance windows are not counted as system downtime.
2.7 A maintenance window is the period of time during which the provider is allowed to carry out planned maintenance work on the system.
3 Error classes
3.1 Software errors and operational faults are divided into the following error classes: