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User manuals for your organization and customers

With flexible permissions and a straightforward licensing model, you can create comprehensive user manuals.
Try it out free of charge
Switch customer logo
eOperations customer logo

Structured manuals

Keep track of all your customers and stay on top of things.

A powerful editor

With the powerful editor you can enrich your content with tables, code snippets, columns and many other design options.

Simultaneous editing

All changes can be tracked in real time

Multilingual content

Define in which language the content is written and translate it into Phonemos

Fast support

Our experienced support team is always available via chat, service desk or email.

Powerful editor

The editor can display tables, code snippets, title formatting and much more.

Swiss Made & Hosted

Phonemos is developed in-house and hosted in Switzerland.

Specific sites for your audience

Create different sites with different URLs per instance, with customisable logo & colour scheme.
"The usability and speed are impressive. "
Portrait by Stefan Haller, linkyard
Stefan Haller, Managing Partner linkyard ltd.

Try it out for free?

That's possible! If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to contact us via chat.
Test now