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New metadata table

With the new metadata table, you can filter, group, and perform calculations faster. In addition, a full screen view and a detailed view were introduced.

With the new metadata table, you can group the ad and make simple calculations. Furthermore, it is now possible to filter and adjust the table in view mode. Changes that you make in edit mode are set as default for all users.

You can group the contents of a table by specific variables. To do this, select the three dots in a column and select the “Group by” option.

The contents of your spreadsheet are grouped and displayed by the selected variable. This makes it even easier to categorize and find content.

For an even better overview, you can now easily switch to full screen mode.

Verwandte Features

Metadata and labels
Use metadata and labels so you can add, categorize, and more easily find your content.
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Phonemos Tutorials

Our expert Andreas will explain to you how to use Phonemos efficiently so that you have the necessary skills to make optimal use of Phonemos.

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